After six months, why not a name for this blog, aside from my own? Remember when color TV was a novelty? Every show
(just on NBC?) was "brought to you in living color" by the sponsor. My blog (and my book) are about philosophical questions that can seem dry and abstract. But they're questions about the way we live and I try to discuss them with color. Thus...the blog is..."In Living Color." Hey, I kind of like it.
It's a cool name. The peacock is a bit unnerving, though.
How kind of you...my local quality control board (= my husband) wasn't impressed. Maybe it was really the peacock that was causing the trouble...I mean, I'm not running a tv show here.
Here are some alternative images with colour (or even color) for you. I especially like the Fibonacci spirals.
I liked the spirals best too. Much better.
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