

The Cove

Hurray, The Cove won the Oscar for best documentary!  


  1. Sitting next to my TV. Still haven't gotten to it yet. I would say I'm looking forward to it. But I'm going to have to force myself to watch it.

  2. It's a very well-made, exciting movie. Almost a thriller. It's really cool how they used all sorts of high tech gadgetry to get the footage they wanted. This is actually a very watchable movie. Really! I bet you'll think so too.

  3. Oh I expect it will be watchable. I'm just worried it will exacerbate my misanthropy.

  4. Ah yes, true. People are sick and disgusting...except the good ones. :-)

  5. mmm yeah... animals in pain and suffering.

    Its a weird position to be in, when one is aware of the suffering of animals, one doesn't want to experience it. But one in a sense has to experience it to not want to experience it.

    So once one has experienced it, they really don't want to, or in a sense, need to, see more animal suffering. I really don't want to watch the cove. The clip they showed at the Oscars with the cove awash in the blood of dolphins was enough for me. But another part of me says that I really ought to watch the cove, since I know little to nothing about the dolphin trade. But what more do I need to know than its going on, and that they suffer for it?

    I'll probably end up watching it anyways....

  6. I would say it's really quite an upbeat and inspiring movie. It focuses primarily on the good guys who put lots and lots of time, money, and ingenuity into exposing these horrors. Ric O'Barry's story (sp?) is really touching, and even tragic. And the whole thing is extremely well-made--in fact riveting.

    But I know what you mean about gearing up to read about awful things. I'm trying to make progress on the book "Half the Sky" (Kristof and Wudunn), about the oppression of women around the world. First chapter--sex slavery. No matter how well they write, the topic is extremely depressing.

  7. And the winner isssss... I watched almost 5 minutes of The Hurt Locker. I don't care how good it might be. I don't want to see it. If The Cove shows even one unhappy animal, I'm not interested.


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