


I hadn't seen anything recently by Jim Holt--the philosophy journalist whose byline always says he's working on a book about "the puzzle of existence"--so I Googled him and found him being interviewed at this cool website. Will have a closer look later...when I'm done with the puzzle of painting. Why paint your kid's room a different color? What's the point of color? What is it worth to change it? How much longer can I avoid getting back to work by asking these idle questions?


  1. Listened to it on my lunch break. Really enjoyed it.

  2. I listened this morning--very enjoyable indeed. Very, very clear, and also amusing, and I enjoyed his remarks about both writers and philosophers.

  3. Yeah definitely my kind of guy. His stuff about living near the "zero point" of hapiness and misery...all too familiar.

  4. I listened on my ipod while walking, and literally burst out laughing when I got to that point. Yes, all too familiar.

  5. I asked Holt a few questions when I wrote a piece for TPM about philosophy and jokes based on several books including one of his. He was very good value.

  6. I noticed that, and was very jealous. Wah! She got to talk to Jim Holt! I'm a long-time fan...


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